Wednesday, February 26, 2020

English-Value Claim Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

English-Value Claim - Essay Example English-Value Claim When we claim that Occupy Wall Street is moral movement we are trying to argue based on the rightfulness or principles or rules that the movement does which are based on ideologies of right conduct in the society. Whatever the movement is passionate about must be a great deal that is affecting the economy of the societies. Money has been a huge driving force behind all policy makings and watching the entire economy collapse is devastating, we should be rewarded for our hard work and shun corruption, oppression of equality, self over justice and greed overwhelm our corporations. The word moral has been used in the Oxford Dictionary to refer to principles that concern right or acceptable behaviors that are accepted in a particular society. It entails manifesting or holding high principles for appropriate conduct. Morally acceptable behaviors are those accepted in the society. The word is to be used to refer to claims that I personally approve of. When the act does not seem to affect the society and is meant for the well-being of everybody, then it is moral. I do not intend to make you think otherwise of situations that you find right to me and wrong to you as justified to be morals, but whatever you find right is moral. For instance when I claim that government tax is moral, then it means I personally approve the imposition of government tax to everybody. For a Christian to claim murder as immoral then he/she is bringing in personal approval that according to the ethics of Christianity it is against the will of God to commit such acts.

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Two Specific Organizational Forms of Business and the Possible Implica Assignment

Two Specific Organizational Forms of Business and the Possible Implications of the Principal-Agent Problem - Assignment Example Two specific organizational forms are the product-based organizational form and the functional form. The functional form is structured according to different functional departments in the organization, such as the finance, sales, marketing, product development, accounting, and human resources. On the other hand, a product based organizational form is structured according to the organization’s product lines: electronics, appliances, consumer products, and others. A principal-agent relationship is defined as a relationship which â€Å"occurs whenever one person acts in the interests of another† (Garger, 2010, p. 1). As emphasized by McGuigan, Moyer and Harris (2014), the principal-agent model ensues when â€Å"owner-principals hire manager-agents to stand in and conduct their business affairs† (p. 559). Accordingly, â€Å"in a functional organization, the firm is divided into functional divisions, and a division manager has responsibility for a single functionâ₠¬â„¢s activities on behalf of all products. In a product-based organization, the firm is organized into product divisions, and a division manager has responsibility for all functional activities in behalf of a single product† (Besanko, Regibeau, & Rockett, 2005, p. 461). The possible implications of a principal agent relationship in a functional organization versus product-based organizations are summed as follows: (1) measuring profitability in a product-based organization is easier due to the ease of offering incentives according to products; (2) when functions are deemed more significant in a functional organization, the latter is allegedly favored due to the ability to offer and apply incentive sensitivity principle; (3) in the presence of cross-product externalities within functional departments, findings revealed preference for favoring functional organizations due to  the ability of function managers to imbibe externalities in their decision-making processes; and (4) â€Å"diseconomies of span generally favor the functional organization when one product is significantly more important to firm profitability than the other and favors the product organization when one function is significantly more important than the other†.