Saturday, December 28, 2019

American Dream And Identity The Legend By Garrett Hongo

American Dream and Identity â€Å"The Legend† by Garrett Hongo was written in 1951 and â€Å"Mexicans Begin Jogging† by Gary Soto was written in 1995. For a short background, in the 1950’s, America is at its peak. The economy is booming larger than ever before. This was the time where the American dream starts to grow for the American people, and also for immigrants that tries to make a better living in a great country. A few decades later, in the early 1990’s, America was starting to enter one of the greatest economic recession ever, but immigrants still rushing into the United States in the hope of achieving the great American dream, to go after the wealth that the United States promised to give for those who work hard for it. These two poems does complement each other. Both of these poems, and poets, tries to resemble the view of the American society of those who try to pursue the American dream, as an immigrant or the son of immigrants that lived in th e United States, but no one cares about their identity and hard work to achieve the American dream. Both scenarios reveals the view of the dark side of the American dream, of how difficult it is to have the opportunity to achieve the American dream, as well as alienation. The first poem that portray this theme is â€Å"The Legend.† Garrett Hongo did a great job on setting the theme, describing the imagery, tone, and allusion in the poem. The theme of the poem is about the vanishing of the American dream and the identity of the pursuer

Friday, December 20, 2019

My Ad For An Anti Smoking Campaign - 894 Words

My ad for an anti smoking campaign shows a picture of a baby smoking a cigarette as half the baby s face is decaying. To the right of this image there is text that states, I smoke second hand. Right below that in smaller text is a warning that reads, Warning: may kill your baby. After closely analyzing this image I found that the argument for this advertisement is: Smoking not only effects you but the people around you too. This ad is very effective due the fact that the distinctive feature of the argument convinces the audience that smoking is unhealthy even second hand smoke. When analyzing both the text and visual, the effects of both compliment each other, because the visual gives the viewer a perfect example of the text. In this particular case, the main focus is directed towards the visual side, since the written part is not much of a read and the picture takes predominantly most of the visual. It is important to point out that even if the visual is about the text, the image gives individuals an idea of who could be affected by the second smoke rather than creating your own image, given that the text does not specify any real situation in which the topic is presented, the picture is a set example. This helps get a deeper understanding of the subject, because if the viewer has no prior knowledge about smoking, the picture helps the viewer get a better idea of what it deals with. Without the visual, the text would still have some impact on the viewer, but not asShow MoreRelatedPersuasive Essay On Anti Smoking715 Words   |  3 Pagescigarette smoking causes about one of every five deaths in the United States. The CDC goes on to state cigarette smoking is estimated to cause more than 480,000 deaths annually (including deaths from secondhand smoke). Tobacco use is the leading preventable cause of death (CDC Web). 1 The anti-smoking advertisement appeals to pre-teen and adults of both genders by causing fear and awareness, which may have its audience reconsider beginning cigarette smoking or quitting. This anti-smoking advertisementRead MoreKentuckys Youth and Teen Smoking1020 Words   |  5 Pagesrevenue from tobacco taxes to fund smoking cessation programs, and improve the quality of anti-smoking advertising campaigns. Teenagers normally function financially on a very fixed income, commonly working part time for minimum wage. With cigarette prices at $4.50 per pack a high school student can afford to smoke regularly, but when you double that price a student will think twice about the value of cigarettes. With the numerous health risks associated with smoking, buying cigarettes at any priceRead MoreEssay on Adidas Smoking Campaign1024 Words   |  5 PagesEnglish 102-942 Instructor: Valerie Fox Impossible is Nothing Adidas’s latest anti-smoking campaign features three cigarette butts layed out in a white background in the style of its logo, which includes their motto â€Å"impossible is nothing†. As one of the largest suppliers of athletic gear, Adidas looks to not only promote greater advantages in sports recreation, but also in good health. The communicator in the ad is the company Adidas, the primary audience would be smokers out there, but thisRead MoreSmokers in the U.K. and U.S.A. and the Treatment of Social Pariahs1773 Words   |  7 Pagespariahs In recent years, antismoking campaigns has increased due to the harmful effects that are caused by smoking. People smoke not caring about the consequences that it has not only on them, but also on other people. In the U.K and U.S.A, campaign might or might not be effective. This essay seeks to illustrate the cause and effect of antismoking campaigns, T.V advertising, campaigns against smokers not being allowed N.H.S treatment, and the ban of smoking in public places and also illustratingRead MoreThe Link Between Cigarettes And Lung Cancer1403 Words   |  6 Pagescontinued to die from lung cancer. This spike in lung cancer was serious and scientist knew that something needed to be done. In 1967 people decided to take matters into their own hands and start anti-smoking campaigns. These campaigns created well thought out ads such as this one where there’s a man hung by a smoking cigarette. With a quote that reads â€Å"It’s called suicide because it’s your choice .† The cigarette in the image is supposed to symbolize a noose which is meant to inform smokers that puttingRead MoreAdvertising And Its Effect On Our Lives1558 Words   |  7 Pagesdesirable and happier. The purpose of this essay I will analyze three advertisements and observe how those products are advertised and what identity they attempt to construct for their consumers. The three ads I will be analyzing will be a commercial related to the Extra gum, a commercial for anti-smoking and a magazine advertisement related to the popular food chain McDonalds. Most people don’t want to think that advertisements have a huge impact on our lives and who we are as individual beings. TheRead MorePersuasive Speech Smoking859 Words   |  4 PagesSmoking Kills General Purpose: To persuade Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience to write their senator and urge him/her to increase anti-smoking campaign funds. Central Idea: Smoking is injurious to human health, hence, stricter/inclusive clean indoor air policy should be adequately enforced. Introduction: How many of you have seen your parent’s or grandparent’s lifespan getting cut short because of bad choices as a result of addiction to smoking? You are not alone.I hadRead MoreThe Dangers of Smoking Are Overemphasized670 Words   |  3 Pageslives every year. I think the dangers of smoking are overemphasized but our society chooses not to take it serious by ignoring all the information that is given to them and instead choose to harm their own body by smoking tobacco. Smoking is a self- destructive behavior that effects the smoker mentally, physically, emotional and economically. Anti-smoking campaigns and Ads spend billions of dollars every year trying to discourage adults and teens from smoking and improve public health. Every humanRead MoreAn Advertisement For Camel Cigarettes863 Words   |  4 Pagesragtime on a piano while smoking their cigarettes. Once the story ends, the following shows a yellow camel leading the eye catching words; TASTE IT ALL. Wait there’s more! A small box at the bottom corner; a required surgeon general’s warning to those thinking of smoking. This ad is effective because it caters to the younger generations’ party vibe, which takes away from the health risks. As someone who s had a rebellious past and smokes Camel cigarettes, I saw the ad right away and wanted toRead MoreEssay on Smoking in America1122 Words   |  5 PagesSmoking in America In the United States today, more than forty six million Americans are addicted to cigarettes. More people have died due to cigarette smoking than from narcotic drugs, World Wars I and II, and the Vietnam War combined (Bailey 1). The annual death toll for cigarette smoking is more than four-hundred thousand Americans a year, and is the number-one preventable cause of death in the United States. If Americans are aware of the lethal effects of smoking, why is it still so popular

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Factual narrative free essay sample

What I didn t know is that I was about to experience the most stressful Journey in my whole life. When the tickets came out on sale, five minutes where enough for the on-line page to sell them out completely worldwide, so I thought I wasnt going to be able to see the show. Desperately I entered to a ticket re-selling site on the web and I bought two tickets for a very exorbitant price (four times the value of the official page price). Two months passed and I didn t get the tickets that the web page was supposed to ail me. I spent at least a week trying to call the manager of the page but it was quite difficult, but a week before the date I planned to travel, they told me that they were going to deliver the tickets at the entrance of the concert. A week after that we went on a plane to Madrid and the stopover was so long that we had to spend the night over at the airport; I remember I slept on the ground because I was terribly exhausted. We will write a custom essay sample on Factual narrative or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The next day, as soon as we got to Paris we went to the stadium where the concert was on, the next day. We went to the stadium s ticket-office and told them our little inconvenient and the lady told us that the specific web page we used for buying the tickets was a scam, and that she wasn t sure that they will appear the next day to deliver the tickets. The next day, we went to the stadium at 5 0clock in the morning to make the line for the standing position at the concert, 200 people where there a week before us so they could be up front, we were totally resigned. But then somebody told us that if we had to pick up tickets we had a different entrance, o we made a new line at another gate in which we were first. Five hours late we found out that the concert organizers had a strike a few days before and there were a lot of tickets that weren t delivered so they told us that in order to make up for that, we were going to enter before anyone. So we finally got our tickets and watched the show at the very first row. That was the most stressing experience ever happened to me we spent all day long under the rain and without eating, but it was worth it.